Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Black Silence Malignant

Weslaco, TX

The Rio Grande Valley has been known for it's cultural history. Rich in every aspect. But in the lower South area of the Valley, a darker side rises from the earth. A metal scene which has been around since the late 90's till 2003, has just been recognized yet again. As we ask a few questions for a South Texas Black Metal band located in Weslaco, TX, 4.1 miles from the Mexican border, we listen in to what they have to think of the present Death metal and Black metal bands we have to offer to all the fans in the Rio Grande Valley...South Texas.

http://www. mysapace. com/severed_one666

Q. When did you first come into the scene? Why Black metal?

SHADE: Musically Black Silence Malignant (BSM) has been around since 2002! Nomiis created BSM out of his deranged imagination and love of horror movies.
It was received quite well amongst those lucky to have heard it! Often people yell out for us to play some of them songs but who knows.....!

Q. Introduction?

SHADE: BSM as a live unit introduced itself to the scene in Harlingen,TX, In the legendary Smileys Ball Room, on Feb 9 2008. Ever since then we have played throughout the Rio Grande Valley.
Black metal is the most extreme way for us to paint our energies, so we indulge greatly!

Q.How long have you been together as a band? Any disagreements amongst you?

SHADE: The band as it is today has been around for about a year and a half! Many Drunken Nights of Rapture!!
Disagreements?? Haha none major, just stuff like who is rolling the joint or who is the designated driver for the night!
Every band has arguments but we have the band before our pride so it makes things more comfortable.

Q. How do you feel about the Hardcore scene in the Valley which pushed the Metal scene out?

SHADE: I don't think much of it! It sounds all the same, monotone vox, the riffs sound if as they are being recycled from band to band.
Every song is a break down haha! It is horrible, we all in the band went to the REAL METAL SHOWS out in Trenton Point and at Smileys where we saw bands like Scarabus, Belligerency, Axe of Vengeance, Of Forsaken Divinity, Satan Sluts. There were so many great bands during that era
that it is a shame that it has become water downed.

Q. Does the Valley have a strong point when it come to Metal?

SHADE: The fans!! I think there is gonna be an uprising of good metal bands coming out!!
We have already seen many other black metal bands popping out of no where.
It's not just black metal too I am finding industrial metal bands, death metal bands, and some great grind core bands
which is fucking great! It gives the fans something new and different to hear and the fans are growing and growing!

Q.When did you develop your music, what did you draw upon for inspiration?

Nomiis: The ideas came around 2002 and sound around 2004. It was based on old horror films, and sick minds it was just meant to make you fall hopeless and sick like you were in a downward spiral as we all have been! It was going well but the direction got lost and it was time to take it a step forward and make it a live band with a different attitude and thats where we have come! We now work together in all we do and use our creative minds to create this force.

SHADE: Inspirations comes from our energies!!

Q. What are your goals for South Texas Black Metal?

SHADE: To promote and establish an artistic movement of Black Metal in South Texas.
South Texas is home to many black metal bands!! Some known and others hidden!
We also have began to make friends with our brothers in Mexico so Perhaps build an international alliance..

Q. Do you see yourselves declining in the near future?

SHADE: Our will drives this band towards progress, we are currently writing new songs for our debut album!
Which so happens to be a concept album! So expect our fires to Grow and Burn greater than ever!!

Q. What would you list as some musical influences?

SHADE: Ulver, Aboyrm,Virgin Black, Woods of Ypres, Diabolical Masquerade,

Nomiis: As of right now Craft, Dissection, Mayhem, Gorgoroth, Destroyer666, DarkThrone, Death Spell Omega,

Bane Morte: Xasthur, Twilight, Arcturus, Limbonic Art, Bathory, Carpathian Forest, Nattefrost

KRAUSK; Mercyful Fate,and King Diamond, Mayhem, Emperor, Immortal, Nattefrost, Pantera, old school Slayer and pretty much any old school thrash metal.

Q. Where do you see your band in two or three years from now?

Nomiis: We hope our music will develop as the years progress and for the Ideology behind the band! We will still be playing for the underground just on a worldwide basis I would like to reach Europe they have a good scene, and release some good albums for your pleasure!

Shade: Constantly Recording and Touring!

Q. If you can create a tour with you band and others, what bands would that tour consist of?

Nomiis: If we had a privledge to set up a tour we would definitely pick Destroyer 666, Cermonial Castings, Aborym, Belphegor, Black Silence Malignant, Heaven Holocaust(another good South Texas Band we would tour with!)

Q. Looking back at the history of black metal, what new element do you wish to bring to the genre? What aspects would you wish your band to exclude?

Nomiis: We would like to keep as close to the traditional sound of black metal! We all incorporate our own sound that totally gives it a different attitude we would like to add alot more classical, folk, sounding acoustics and clean parts in the vein of Dissection but that's about it! We would be excluding catchy riffs and trendy noise we keep it raw and pure!

Shade: We also think we have the capacity to maybe go along some Dark Insutrial elements much like Aboyrm. *WT/Necro*


Nomiis- Composer/All Instruments
Shade- Vocals
Krausk- Guitar
Bane Morte- Drums

http://www. myspace. com/blackmalignant

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A ZINE DEdicated To The Darker Side Of Metal Music....