dark hails to you all!!!
thank you for taking the time to read our newest blog of reviews!! this time you will find a little from most of the genres we support!!! we are always looking for new bands,labels who are interested in getting a guaranteed/honest review.if interested please get in contact for guaranteed response!! also thanks to our reviewer/friend kate eternal winter torment now has a blogger page!! so if you are someone who has missed our past reviews or interviews and wanna check them out!! please do so at this address!!!
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patrick {editor}
lori {reviewer,interviewer}
kate {reviewer,interviewer}
necrosadism {our newest interviewer,reviewer!!}
anael--from arcane fires cd {paragon records}
this is my first encounter with this gloomy grim blackend doom band from germany.this is a band that does not appear to be satisified with staying to just one musical genre. their are touches of more straight forward harsh black metal.and in the next track you might have your energy drained away by the most depressing blackend/doom metal to be heard in some time.their are even some touches of the ambient scene being thrown in.this is a must have for all fans of dark metal such as {older} samael,arcturus,and maybe even older tiamat and rotting christ fans will appreciate this bands dark influences.
asmegin-arv cd {napalm records}
asmegin come from the cold depths of norweigan's front.bringing to the listener some of the best/well played traditional folk music fueled with more black/death brutality.the vocals vary from each song depending on their musical front.you have the beautiful female vocals mixed with the clean folkish style and of course where their is brutal black/death metal being played you have the shrieky growls. i really enjoyed how this band used some non-metal instruments such as accordian,pianos,mog.and even organs.this is a band that has to be heard to be believed.this band gives me hope that the scene is not all used up.
ayat-six years of dormant hatred cd {moribund rec.}
ayat is a band i had heard about and my interest was up for sure. well sadly it
wasn't what i expected.the bands bio doesnt lie their is the cold harshness of black metal legends beherit,dark throne but then the more traditional industrial sounds/vocals come into the mix. if your a fan of blackend industrial metal you might enjoy this more.but as for me i'm gonna stick with the more primitive/straight forward black metal.
blood stained dusk-black faith inquistion cd {moribund rec.}
this is a band that has been in the u.s underground for quite a few years but this is my first encounter.this is the bands debut {3rd full-length in all} fpr moribund rec.as with most u.s bands the band incorporates alot of traditional scandanavian influence. without being a rip-off the band quickly adds in some more melodic/atmospheric metal with clean male vocals and keyboards.the keys are actually a big help in setting the dark atmosphere that blood stained dusk were aiming for. fans of {early} dimmu borgir,or other epic styled black metal will defintly enjoy what b.s.d are releasing on black faith inquisiton!!
bloodsworn-all hyllest til satan cd {agonia records}
now this is what black metal should sound like.dirty,harsh,fast,and just plain nasty from start to finish.the norweigan horde combine a nice mix of old-school norweigan black metal,with some newer influences for a good blend of pure blackness.thin/scratchy guitars,blasting drums and a vocalist that has some of the scratchiest/raw vocals to be heard.but also uses some effects {which as most who know i hate that} but thankfully the effects are not used alot.
i recomend bloodsworn but only to those who enjoy the older/harsher side of black metal.
closer-a darker kind of salvation cd {napalm rec.}
a newer band from the mighty swedish scene has emerged.closer mix in a more modern melodic death metal feel with waves of technical guitar chords {i think some people consider it math metal} and melodic black metal atmosperes with harsher growls/clean/sratchy vocals.for fans of newer melodic black/death metal.
elliot's keep--in medias res cd {brainticket rec.}
with the first crushing heavy guitar riff elliot's keep prove the name of their game is "traditional" doom and they mean business.it's hard to find a more straight forward traditional doom band with all the sub-genres in the scene today.the music will take you back in time when bands like black sabbith,pentagram ruled the doom scene.the vocals are clean/melodic sounds but also add some darker gruff/whispery vocals to keep your attention.i would defintly recomend elliot's keep to the older fans of doom but also would recomend the newer fans/bands check em out as well for the band seems to mix both schools of doom together quite well..
hellveto--neo heresy cd {pulverised rec.}
polish legends hellveto return!! this is a band that has been in the scene for over 10 years but has always seemed to stay below the radar.dark atmosperes of black metal layered with keyboards and mid-paced guitars interluded with extremly fast {old marduk/dark funeral} blasts of hateful black metal.but to keep the listener guessing as to where hellveto will go to next their are even acoustic guitars,whispery,clean vocals.and the biggest surprise {atleast to me} is hellveto is a one-man band!! trust me if you heard this masterpiece you would have never guessed.get this now!!!
Mar de Grises "Draining the waterheart"
> Reviewed by Lori
> Mar de Grises is a melodic depressing atmospheric
> "down-temple" doom/death band from Chili.
> "Draning the waterheart" is their latest release
> and it is not for every metal fan. The music does not have
> the intense metal vibe but more of a mellow stream of soft
> melodies with deep gutturals ever so often. This release at
> times remind me of Opeth and October Tides, the slower
> aspects of those bands come out while listening to
> "Draining the waterheart". A big problem I find
> with the songs is they just carry on and on and on sounding
> the same the whole way. The song "Wooden woodpecker
> conversion" (lol what a name) is a bit more exciting,
> good enough to keep me from skipping the song. I wish the
> whole CD was like this song. There is more passion and
> desperation in this song, not so boring.
> The lyrics are poetry like, very lovely and full of
> hopelessness. "One possessed" is as beautiful as
> the poetry. Whispering voice, soft velvet clean vocals
> carcass the music.
> Everyone give this band a chance because it WILL grow on
> you as I think it will me.
> Band's myspace
> http://www.myspace.com/mardegrises2
> Firebox
> www.firebox.fi
necronoclast--haven cd {moribund rec.}
the dreary/dark scottish soul returns with a new masterpiece of dreary black metal.semi raw black metal guitars with touches of more melodic acoustic's.the drums are blasts beats but quickly slow to almost a doomish feel.and finally to finish off this masterpiece of original blackness are the vocals that are mid paced growls to the more blackend screechs depending on which mood is trying to be expressed.
seraphim slaughter-scum terror cd {aids needle rec.}
seraphim slaughter have chosen the right name for this release!! totalscummy,dirty 80's style thrash/punk rock with more modern touches of cold black metal.the band breaks down the intensity a few times to catch their breath and give the listener a small break with more mid-paced metal sounds.but swiftly kicks it back into high gear and unleashes their fury on the unexpecting listeners. this is a very energetic thrashing/black metal band that refuses to follow any trends or be put into one specific genre.serpaphim slaughter are a good band to check out if your sick of all the "atmospheric" bands that seem to be taking over the scene as of late.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
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A ZINE DEdicated To The Darker Side Of Metal Music....
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